Dates are an excellent source of fiber, necessary for proper function of the digestive system (the intestine).
The natural sugar found in dates is an excellent substitute for the ordinary sugar. This fruit is easily digestible and reduces the feeling of hunger. Taken in consider the nutrients dates contain, these fruits are a sort of a multivitamin pill, good for both children and adults. Dates are efficient in treating numerous diseases, including anemia, cholesterol, cancer and many other.
Excellent Source of Iron

Eye Vitamins
Taking in consider that dates contain lutein and zeaxantine, these fruits are often called “eye vitamins”. Lutein and zeaxantine are especially important for the eye retina and macula, because they improve the eyesight and prevent any possible damage of the macula, which can be damaged as people get older. Therefore, eat more dates for better eyesight.
Stops Diarrhea
Dates contain calcium, a mineral that has proven to be efficient in stopping diarrhea. In addition to this, dates are amazingly helpful in the renewal process of the gut flora. Regular consumption of dates help the creation of good bacteria in the intestine.
Cure For Constipation

Dates Facilitate Delivery
An experiment conducted in the Jordan University for Science and Technology showed that consuming dates 4 weeks before the delivery can alleviate pain and reduce the bleeding. Women who consumed dates delivered easier, compared to the women that did not eat this fruit. Moreover, dates help women go through the postpartum depression more easily and produce enough milk for the baby.
Regulate Weight
Thanks to the many nutrients dates contain, this fruit gives a feeling of satiety and really falicitates the weight loss process. If you eat a date on an empty stomach, it will regulate the work of the intestines and regulate the necessary blood sugar level. Dates do not contain cholesterol, but they contain a lot of sugar, so excessive consumption would result in gaining weight (1 kg of dates contains 3 000 calories).
Dates Strengthen Heart
People with weak heart can consume this powerful fruit every day. Leave some dates in a glass of water overnight. In the morning blend the dates and the water together. You can take this remedy several times during the day.
Reduce High Blood Pressure
Dates contain small amounts of sodium, but they are rich in calcium. A regular portion of 5-6 dates contain about 80 mg magnesium, an essential mineral that contributes to the spreading of blood vessels. A research showed that 370 mg magnesium daily can reduce blood pressure.
Protects Against Stroke
One of the key benefits this amazing fruit provides is its ability to regulate the healthy nervous system, thanks to the high potassium levels. Studies have shown that the large potassium intake (about 400 mg) can reduce the risk of stroke for up to 40 percent.
Brain Food
Dates contain phosphorus, which is great for the brain, so these fruits are recommended for people with intellectual job.
Energy Stimulator
Dates contain natural sugar, including glucose, sucrose and fructose. Combining dates and milk will help you get the maximum amount of sugar this fruit contain.
Increase Sexual Stamina
Soak a few dates in some goat milk and leave them overnight. In the morning, mix the fruit with some milk, add honey and cardamom (spice) and drink it. This combination can be consumed by both sexes, because it strengthens the body and increases the energy level.
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